WWE Survivor Series Results (11/20) – Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar, Miz Retains, Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown Live, More

Mick Foley, The Club, James Ellsworth and Braun Strowman Backstage Segment:

Second Match: The Miz (c) w/Maryse vs. Sami Zayn for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. If Sami Zayn Wins, The Intercontinental Title Will Become Exclusive Property of WWE Monday Night Raw 

Zayn and Miz go to the collar and elbow tie up. Zayn applies a wrist lock. Miz reverses the hold. Zayn with a armdrag takedown for a one count. Miz with a double leg takedown to Zayn. Zayn leapfrogs over Miz. Zayn with a deeparmdrag. Zayn applies an armbar. Zayn with a rollup for a two count. Zayn with a leg lariat to Miz. Miz rolls to the outside. Zayn sets up for the Somersault Plancha, but Maryse pulls Miz away. Miz drags Zayn out of the ring. Miz bounces Zayn’s head on the ring apron. Zayn with a moonsault off the barricade. Maryse talks smack to Zayn. Miz chopblocks Zayn. Miz rolls Zayn back into the ring. Miz ascends to the top rope. Miz with a flying double axe handle.

Miz rams his knee to the back of Zayn’s leg. Miz continues work on the right leg of Zayn. Zayn lands a knife edge chop. Zayn bounces Miz’s head on the top turnbuckle. Zayn goes to the corner mount. Miz kicks Zayn in the back of the leg and Zayn falls down to the canvas. Miz with a double stomp to the back of Zayn’s knee. Zayn with a back elbow to Miz. Zayn follows that up with a big boot. Zayn tosses Miz to the outside. Miz whips Zayn’s right leg to the steel ring post. Miz drags Zayn out of the ring. Miz with a running boot to the back of Zayn’s neck for a two count. Miz goes for the Figure Leg Lock, but Zayn blocks it.