WWE Survivor Series Results (11/20) – Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar, Miz Retains, Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown Live, More

First Kickoff Match: TJ Perkins, Rich Swann and Noam Dar vs. Drew Gulak, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari 

Swann and Nese starts things off. Nese backs Swann into the corner. Swann ducks a right hand from Nese. Swann lands a knife edge chop. Swann with a boot to the face of Nese. Nese sends Swann to the top turnbuckle. Nese goes for a delayed verical suplex, but Swann gets back on his feet. Swann dropkicks Nese. Swann tags in Perkins. Swann with a snap mare. Perkins with a slingshot senton. Perkins goes to the corner mount. Nese with a boot to the face of Perkins. Perkins responds with a roundhouse kick. Perkins with a vertical/back suplex combination for a two count. Perkins uppercuts Nese. Perkins gets Nese in the Octopus Lock. Nese gets out of the hold with a powerslam. Nese tags in Gulak. Perkins lands a deep armdrag. Perkins tags in Swann. Perkins and Swann double team Gulak.

Perkins with a low dropkick to Gulak. Swann tags in Dar. Dar works on the shoulder of Gulak. Dar tags in Perkins. Gulak drops Perkins with a big right hand. Gulak with a forearm smash in the corner. Perkins ducks a clothesline from Gulak. Perkins gets Gulak in the Knee Bar, but Nese and Daivari breaks up the submission attempt. Perkins with a leg scissors take down to Daivari. Dar and Perkins double teams Daivari. Dar with a running knee for a two count. Dar with a corner dropkick to the back of Daivari. Dar kicks Nese off the ring apron. Daivari plants Dar with a spinebuster for a two count. Daivari slaps Dar. Daivari whips Dar back first into the turnbuckles. Daivari gets Dar tied in the tree of woe. Daivari with a thrust kick for a two count.

Daivari tags in Gulak. Gulak stomps on Dar chest. Gulak tags in Nese. Nese with a series of clubbing crossfaces to Dar. Nese follows that up with a leaping leg drop. Nese with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Nese tags in Gulak. Gulak applies pressure to the right leg of Dar. Gulak with a modified Indian Death Lock. Gulak headbutt’s Dar. Gulak tags in Daivari. Daivari with a elbow drop to the back of Dar. Dar knocks Gulak off the ring apron. Dar tags in Swann. Swann knocks Nese off the ring apron. Swann with a spinning back kick to Daivari. Swann connects with a top rope hurricanrana for a two count. Gulak with a clubbing blow to the back of Swann. Dar tosses Nese to the outside. Dar with a suicide dive to Gulak. Nese with a plancha onto Dar on the outside. Perkins with a Somersault Plancha onto Gulak and Nese. Swann with a spinning leg lariat to Daivari. Swann with a Standing 450 Splash to Daivari to pickup the victory.

Winner: TJ Perkins, Rich Swann and Noam Dar