WWE Survivor Series Results (11/20) – Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar, Miz Retains, Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown Live, More

Social Media Lounge with Special Guest Kevin Owens & Chris Jericho: 

Owens says that Tom Phillips password on his iPad is disgusting. Phillips points out the fact that Owens is wearing a blue t-shirt. Owens says that his t-shirt is in dedication to the Toronto Maple Leafs. Owens calls Phillips an idiot. Owens brings in best friend Chris Jericho. Owens changes the Social Media Lounge to the Kevin Owens Show. Jericho points out the fact that the logo on the screen is red. Is Phillips happy now? Jericho says that Phillips password should be 2112 (Rush Reference).

Jericho calls Matt J Rothenberg a stupid idiot. Phillips asks Owens and Jericho their thoughts on James Ellsworth? Owens thought that Shane McMahon was Team SmackDown’s Mascot. Jericho says that he’s going to beat up Ellsworth stupid face. JeriKO exposes the fact that Tom Phillips is a bully. Owens wants to know why Tom Phillips left Raw? Phillips took advantage of an opportunity. JeriKo is having a party and Phil is not invited. Will JeriKO be the sole survivors in this match? JeriKO reminds us that they’re best friends. Is Owens on the list? Jericho says that Tom Phillips is a negative nancy. Jericho puts @CAPRIMAREE on the list for asking a stupid question. Jericho proceeds to put a production guy Matt on the list.


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