WWE Survivor Series Results (11/20) – Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar, Miz Retains, Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown Live, More

AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose and Shane McMahon Backstage Segment: 

Dean Ambrose is watching the monitor, and AJ Styles walks in and tells him that if everyone just follows him, they’ll get a win.  Dean says he knows AJ is just going to slam a metal chair into his back, but in two weeks at TLC, his fantasies become AJ’s nightmare.  Shane McMahon comes in and says they can settle this in two weeks, but they need a win tonight and he needs everyone on the same page.

Third Match: Team Raw (Enzo & Big Cass, The New Day, The Shining Stars, Sheamus & Cesaro and The Club) vs. Team SmackDown Live (Rhyno & Heath Slater, The Usos, American Alpha, Breezango and The Hype Bro’s) in a Traditional Survivor Series Match 

Big E and Fandango starts things off. Fandango hands out fashion violations at all of the competitors. The New Day with the Midnight Hour. Breezango are officially eliminated. Jimmy SuperKick’s Kofi Kingston. The New Day is officially eliminated. Jimmy and Luke Gallows are now in the ring. Gallows uppercuts Jimmy. Big Cass tags himself in. Big Cass drives his knee to the midsection of Jimmy. Epico tags himself in. Epico applies a wrist lock. Jimmy responds with a vicious forearm. Jimmy tags in Ryder. Ryder with a flapjack to Epico. Ryder tags in Mojo. Mojo with a chop across the head of Epico. Mojo with a shoulder block to Epico. Epico with a basement dropkick to Mojo. The Shining Stars double teams Mojo. Primo tags in Gallows. Gallows with a body avalanche to Mojo. Gallows tags in Anderson. Mojo and Anderson are knokced down with a double crossbody. Mojo tags in Ryder.

Ryder with a double knee strike to Anderson. Ryder follows that up with a missile dropkick. Ryder with a series of forearms to Anderson in the corner. Ryder goes for the Broski Boot, but Anderson rolls out of the ring. Ryder with a wrecking ball dropkick to Gallows. The Club connects with the Magic Killer. The Hype Bro’s are officially eliminated. American Alpha with dropkicks in stereo to Anderson.

Gallows tags in Sheamus.  Sheamus stomps on Gable chest in the corner. Epico with a slingshot elbow drop for a two count. Epico with a clubbing blows to the chest of Gable. Epico applies a rear chin lock. Epico connects with a back suplex. Epico follows that up with a german suplex. Epico continues the onslaught with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Epico tags in Primo. Primo with a springboard double axehandle. Gable gets Primo tied in the tree of woe. American Alpha with a Avalanche Bulldog to Primo. The Shining Stars are officially eliminated.