WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (11/1) – Daniel Bryan on Miz TV, James Ellsworth Apologizes, Who’s On Team SmackDown at Survivor Series?

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WWE SmackDown Live Results

November 1st, 2016

Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

James Ellsworth, Dean Ambrose and AJ Styles In-Ring Segment: 

Ellsworth would like to take this opportunity to thank Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan for letting him to come out here and say goodbye. After his actions from last week, Ellsworth hasn’t been able to sleep or eat. Ellsworth can’t move on with his life unless he gets the opportunity to tell Dean Ambrose that he’s sorry. Ellsworth asks Ambrose to come down to the ring. Ambrose toys around with Ellsworth calling him his buddy. Ambrose has been contemplating his decision for over a week. Maybe he should rip every hair out of Ellsworth head. When Ambrose looks into Ellsworth puppy eyes and he has the look of ET, he can’t be upset with him.

Ambrose brought Ellsworth to ringside, so he’s not required an apology. Ellsworth brings up everything Ambrose has done for him in the past. Ambrose is responsible for Ellsworth defeating AJ Styles twice. How does Ellsworth repay Ambrose? By acting selfish and costing Ambrose his opportunity at the WWE World Championship. Ellsworth came to SmackDown Live for a fight, but last week wasn’t his night to fight. Any man with two hands can make a mistake. Ambrose says it’s water under the bridge. Ambrose tells Ellsworth to never get in his way again. If Ellsworth had a time machine? He would change everything that happen last week, but he can’t.