Lucha Underground Results (10/26): Sexy Star vs Mundo, Cage/Texano III, Who’s The White Rabbit ?

Ivelisse with a roll through for a two count. Ivelisse with a running knee strike. Ivelisse goes for the pin, but Martinez kicks out at the count of two. Martinez with a clubbing blow to the back of Ivelisse. Martinez locks in the Fish Hook. Martinez backs Ivelisse into the corner. Ivelisse ducks a clothesline from Martinez. Ivelisse with a series of buzzsaw kicks to the chest of Martinez.

Ivelisse gets Martinez in the guillotine choke. Martinez drives Ivelisse back first into the turnbuckle. Martinez plants Ivelisse with a spine buster. Martinez connects with the Moth Drop to pickup the victory. After the match, Jeremiah comes out of the crowd and drops Martinez and Mariposa with Bicycle Kicks in stereo. Martinez and Mariposa begins to double teams Jeremiah. Ivelisse gets into the ring and a cat fight ensues. Jeremiah goes for the Double Underhook Piledriver, but Martinez rolls out of the ring.

Winner: Marty The Moth Martinez 


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