TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/20): Lashley takes on Moose, Edwards Defends the TNA Title Against Cody!

World Title Number One Contenders Match: Bobby Lashley vs Moose

Moose and Lashley trade punches. Lashley picks up Moose and suplexes him. Moose pops up and hits the Moose combo followed by a standing dropkick. Lashley rolls to the outside. Moose follows. Lashley tosses Moose head first into the ring post. Lashley beats down Moose on the outside. Lashley rolls Moose back in the ring. Lashley works over Moose in the corner. Lashley whips Moose into the opposite corner and hits multiple shoulder blocks. Lashley hops up to the top rope, but Moose dropkicks him off. Moose dives over the top rope onto Lashley. Moose rolls Lashley back into the ring and hits a rolling senton. Moose sets up the rip cord, but Lashley counters into the Dominator. Moose kicks out at two.

Lashley sets Moose up on the top rope and hits a superplex. Moose pops up and Spears Lashley. Lashley kicks out. Moose and Lashley trade shots in the middle of the ring. Moose misses a discus elbow, which allows Lashley to hit a Spear. Moose somehow manages to kick out. Moose hits the Game Changer, but Lashley kicks out. Moose sets up Go to Hell, but Lashley pushes Moose off. Lashley Spears Moose off the second rope for the win.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Bobby Lashley!