TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/15): Aron Rex’s in Ring Debut, Knockouts Title Match Signed for Bound for Glory, Moose Confronts Lashley!

Spud tries to put Sutter’s mouth on the exposed turnbuckle, but Sutter back leg front kicks Spud in the nuts. Sutter punches Spud in the face over and over again. Sutter whips Spud into the exposed turnbuckle back first. Sutter picks up Spud and tells him that he is going to remember him. Sutter sends Spud mouth first into the exposed turnbuckle. Sutter pins Spud.

Winner- Braxton Sutter

After the match, Spud is spitting up blood.

Broken Matt is still in the woods. He sends Vanguard 1 to go find Senior Benjamin. Vanguard 1 finds him. Senior Benjamin is tied up in a barn. Broken Matt tells Senior Benjamin to go home and rest… but also get together the biggest cache of weapons ever because at BFG they will go to war!

Backstage Segment: Moose

Moose says the first night he came to TNA he put the world champion on his ass. Is Lashley going to face him? Or is he going to run away like a little B*tch?