Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (9/12) – Reigns vs Owens, Sami Zayn On The Highlight Reel, Sheamus/Cesaro V

Dana Brooke & Charlotte Backstage Segment: 

Dana Brooke apologizes to Charlotte in the backstage area. Charlotte tells Brooke to shut up and get her bags. 

The Shining Stars, R-Truth, Enzo and Big Cass Backstage Segment:

Epico and Primo are trying to push timeshares in Puerto Rico to R Truth. Truth asks if he can bring Little Jimmy to Puerto Rico. Epico and Primo say that if you make a one time payment, you can take whoever you want. Truth leaves before they can finish the sale. They turn around and Colin and Enzo show up. Big Cass calls them con men. Epico says that they beat Enzo and Colin last week. Enzo says Epico and Primo cheated last week. Enzo calls Epico and Primo a couple of haters and they have unfinished business.