WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (9/6) – Styles Confronts Ambrose, 6 Woman Tag Match, Usos vs American Alpha!

Renee Young Backstage Interview With AJ Styles: 

Renee asks Styles about what happened last week with Dean Ambrose. Renee figures that Styles would have some harsh words for Ambrose. Styles wants to know what production assistant gave Renee that footage. He asks him if he has a family and what would happen if he got fired. Would his family think that was funny? Styles shoves the assistant away and walks out of the Talking Smack set. 

– American Alpha Video Package 

The Usos Backstage Interview: 

Charly Carusso is backstage with the Usos. Charly asks Jimmy and Jey about their match against American Alpha. Jey says Gable and Jordan deserve to be on Smackdown. Usos mentions that the fact American Alpha were drafted before them, so that makes them the underdogs. Even though they respect American Alpha, The Usos still run this tag team division.