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Reaction To Finn Balor vs Nakamura & Balor’s Future In WWE With The Draft

The second of the four CSR videos this weekend from Squirrel Hill Sports Bar is reaction to Finn Balor vs Nakamura on NXT. Plus, the future of Balor in WWE with the draft approaching. Here’s some highlights of the conversation:

Josh Isenberg:

NXT Takeover has ruined what NXT Wednesday night’s are all about. Wednesday night’s are talking about guys for three or four weeks, building promos and building to the main PPV which is Takeover. The problem I have is Finn Balor deserves better than this last sendoff than a match on a Wednesday night. He didn’t get the big spotlight and stage. As much as it was an intimate feeling, hasn’t NXT Takeover ruined that intimate feeling cause those shows are always better than the Wednesday night shows?

Justin LaBar:

Well the Takeover’s are always better than Wednesday night because it’s a bigger stage because they’ve proven they can fill the same arenas that RAW or the main pay-per-views are at. I’m not going to disagree that Takeover is a bigger stage and everyone wants the biggest stage possible, but the reality is I don’t think it hurt anything. I don’t think Takeover has ruined Wednesday night. Wednesday  is still the fabric and building block of NXT.

For more on Balor’s future regarding the draft, watch the video below with the full conversation: