WWE RAW Results (7/4): Team U.S.A Takes on the Multi-National Alliance!

After another break, Del Rio hits the backstabber on Crews for a two count. Del Rio goes up top and dives off. Crews meets him with a mid-air dropkick. Crews tags in Mark Henry. Del Rio tags in Kalisto. Henry hits the world’s strongest slam for the pin. Kalisto has been eliminated. Owens gets in the ring and pop-up powerbombs Henry for the pin. Mark Henry has been eliminated. Owens yells at Zayn to do his part and superkicks him. Zayn is about to dive, but Kane grabs him by the throat. Owens hits the ring and hits Kane with a chair. Kevin Owens is eliminated. Kane picks up the chair and hits Owens. Kane is eliminated. Crews moonsaults Zayn for the pin. Sami Zayn is eliminated. Sheamus gets in the ring and brogue kicks Crews. Apollo Crews is eliminated.

Sheamus grabs Zack Ryder and suplexes him. The foreign team takes turn beating down Ryder. Cesaro tags himself in. Jericho gets in his face. Cesaro puts his team on the uppercut train. Ryder rolls up Cesaro for the pin. Cesaro is eliminated. Sheamus attempts another suplex, but Ryder reverses it into a neck breaker. Ryder tags in Big Show, who WMDs Jericho for the pin. Chris Jericho is eliminated. Del Rio attacks Big Show. Big Show chokeslam Del Rio for the pin. Alberto Del Rio is eliminated. Ryder hits the rough Ryder on Sheamus for the victory!

Winners- Team U.S.A

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