WWE RAW Results (7/4): Team U.S.A Takes on the Multi-National Alliance!

Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler goes for a single leg, but Rollins stuffs it. Ziggler and Rollins wrestle around, but Ziggler takes Rollins down for a pin, Rollins kicks out and rolls to the outside.

After a short break, Ziggler tries to fight out of a headlock, but Rollins trips him into the corner. Rollins goes up top, but Ziggler cuts him off and takes him off the top rope with an x-factor for a two count. Rollins goes for a powerbomb, but Ziggler reverses it into a slam. Ziggler calls for the superkick, but Rollins reverses it and kicks him in the head for another near fall. Rollins goes for a springboard knee, but Ziggler moves out of the way. Ziggler hits a superkick for a two count. Ziggler hits a jumping DDT. Ziggler sets up the zig-zag, but Rollins holds on the rope. Rollins hits the pedigree for the victory.

Winner- Seth Rollins

After the match, Rollins stands on the announce table and says Roman Reigns should not be in the triple threat match at Battleground. Ambrose stands on the opposite announce table. Rollins tells Ambrose he is going to take back his title. Ambrose tells Rollins he can have the title right now. Ambrose tosses the title at Rollins and hits dirty deeds on the announce table.