WWE RAW Results (6/13): The Shield Meet in the Ambrose Asylum, Contract Signing for Styles vs Cena, Final Hype for Money in the Bank!

Styles says at Money in the Bank he is going to run circles around Cena. He will be the one saying you can’t see me. Cena says Styles has a choice. He could sign the contract on the left and it will be Styles with the Club vs Cena. The contract on the right says Styles vs Cena. Cena says If Styles signs the one without The Club we will finally find out if Styles can beat Cena. Styles says if he was in the WWE 10 years ago Cena would never have been a world champion. Cena says he has given Styles all the respect in the world but Styles has come out here and done nothing but whine. Styles signs the contract for the singles match without The Club.

Alberto Del Rio and Kevin Owens vs The Lucha Dragons

As soon as the bell rings, Del Rio kicks Kalisto in the gut and back body drops him. Del Rio sets Kalisto up in the tree of woe for more kicks. Owens jump off the apron and starts to walk away. Kalisto rolls up Del Rio from behind. Owens runs back into the ring but Del Rio kicks out. Del Rio and Owens argue. The Lucha Dragons double dropkick Del Rio and Owens. The Lucha Dragons then dive through the ropes and take out Del Rio and Owens.

After the break, Del Rio stomps on Kalisto. Owens tags in and sentons Kalisto. Del Rio tags himself back in. Owens and Del Rio argue. Kalisto pushes Del Rio into Owens. Kalisto hits Salida del sol, but Del Rio rolls out of the ring before Kalisto can pin him. Del Rio is almost counted out, but Owens throws him back into the ring. Owens drags Del Rio to their corner for a tag. Owens sets up the pop-up powerbomb, but Sin Cara reverses it. Sin Cara hits two springboard moonsaults and a springboard elbow. Kalisto dives through the ropes, but Del Rio catches him and tosses him into the barricade. Owens hits the pop-up powerbomb for the win.

Winners- Alberto Del Rio and Kevin Owens

After the match, Del Rio kicks Owens in the head.