wwe raw

WWE RAW Results (5/2): New Matches Set for Extreme Rules, Roman Reigns and The Usos Take on AJ Styles, Gallows, and Anderson, More!

Becky Lynch vs Emma

Becky tosses Emma over with multiple arm drags, followed by a drop kick. Emma retreats to the outside. Becky runs off the apron and hits a Thez press off the apron. Becky sits on the top rope, but Emma pulls her down by her foot. Becky hits her head hard on the mat. Snap mare followed by Emma’s signature hair pull. Butterfly suplex by Emma for a two count. Big boot to the face by Emma for another near fall. Emma-mite sandwich for yet a two count. Becky surprises Emma with a clothesline. Becky follows that with another clothesline. Beck-sploder suplex for another near fall. Becky tries to set up the dis-arm-her, but Emma rolls to the ropes. Emma poked Becky in the eye while the referee had his back turned. Emma obliterated Becky with a Michinoku driver for the win.

Winner- Emma

Dean Ambrose is in the ring and he welcomes us to the Ambrose Asylum. Ambrose calls Stephanie to the ring. Ambrose tells Stephanie he doesn’t believe for a second that she is as happy-go-lucky as she claims to be. Ambrose puts up a picture of Stephanie getting speared at WrestleMania. Stephanie says she was in the ring and she shouldn’t have been. Reigns taught her a valuable lesson. Ambrose notes that it has to sting that Shane has been gone for seven years but when he comes back he gets a hero’s welcome. She says it does a little, but the WWE Universe is a loyal bunch. Ambrose asks Stephanie if it bothers her that she has made so sacrifices over the years and Shane hasn’t. It has to sting. Stephanie says her father has taught her a lot of lessons. She is going to teach Ambrose one now: It’s time for a change. Stephanie cancels the Ambrose Asylum. Stephanie says they can’t leave a hole in the show, so she welcomes back Chris Jericho and “The Highlight Reel”. Jericho walks out and he and Ambrose get into a brawl. Jericho hits the code breaker. As Jericho is leaving the ring he picks up Mitch the plant and hits Ambrose with it.