Lucha Underground Results (4/6) – Fenix vs Matanza, Trio’s Tournament Begins, Cueto Warns Vampiro

First Match: Ivelisse vs. Kobra Moon 

Moon backs to the corner to create separation. Moon applies a wrist lock to Ivelisse. Ivelisse with a armdrag and transitions into a armbar. Moon escapes the hold and we have a stare off. Ivelisse drives her knee to the gut of Moon. Ivelisse applies a hammer lock. Moon with a inverted Triangle Hold. Ivelisse drops Moon with a powerbomb for a two count. Moon gets Ivelisse in a Dragon Sleeper. Ivelisse gets out of the hold and connects with a multiple armdrags. Ivelisse sends Moon to the corner. Ivelisse with a running back elbow to Moon in the corner. Moon with a running boot to Ivelisse’s face for a two count. Ivelisse with a series of right hands to the gut of Moon.

Moon drives her shoulder to the gut of Ivelisse in the corner. Moon gets Ivelisse in a tarantula submission hold. Moon with a Gable Lock, but Ivelisse counters with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Moon lands a couple of forearms. Moon goes for a tilt-a-whirl head scissors, but Ivelisse counters with a side russian leg sweep for a two count. Moon and Ivelisse exchange back and forth forearms and chops. Ivelisse drops Moon with a big boot. Ivelisse with a exploder suplex to Moon for a two count. Moon with a atomic drop to Ivelisse. Moon plants Ivelisse down to the mat for a two count. Ivelisse kicks Moon in the gut. Ivelisse with the Desert Eagle to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ivelisse 


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