Davey Richards Injury Update, Tonight’s Impact Wrestling Video Preview, Kmart – WWE Promotion, Kurt Angle – TNA Packages

Video Preview for Tonight’s Impact Wrestling

TNA has posted a new video preview for tonight’s Impact Wrestling and you can check it out at this link.

New Kmart – WWE Promotion

Kmart has announced a new in-store promotion as they are giving away free flip books on The Undertaker and John Cena when you purchase $9.99 worth of WWE goods. You can get more information at this link.

Kurt Angle – TNA Packages

The TNA “Kurt Angle Commemorative Bundle” packages are still available for $39.99. The package includes an Angle t-shirt, sunglasses, a Warrior’s prayer pendant, a poster and three 8×10 photos.

Davey Richards Injury Update

Davey Richards posted the following update on Twitter:

Tomm I head out to Pittsburg to work w/ top trainer @DrLyneil ! I’ll be recording tons so keep watching my journey back to @IMPACTWRESTLING