wwe raw

WWE RAW Results (3/28): Final Hype for WrestleMania 32, Triple H and Roman Reigns Brawl in Brooklyn, Brock Lesnar and More!

After a short break Charlotte is working a cravat on Becky. Charlotte tries to whip Becky into the corner, but Becky reverses it and clotheslines Charlotte. Becky follows that up with the newly dubbed Becks-plex for a two count. Becky goes for the dis-arm-her, but Charlotte turns that into a pin. Becky kicks out at two. Charlotte goes to the outside and Becky follows her. As Becky tries to get back in the ring, Ric Flair grabs her foot. When she finally kicks him off Charlotte boots her in the face and hits natural selection for the win.

Winner- Charlotte

Backstage Vince McMahon says he isn’t surprised by the physicality earlier. An angry Undertaker is the best weapon. Shane walks in and Mr. McMahon says if he were Shane he would be halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge. Shane says it’s a good thing he isn’t him. Mr. McMahon stole this company from his father. This Sunday Shane says he is going to take it from Mr. McMahon.

The Social Outcast are on the apron. Before they can say much of anything, Big Show’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

Kane and The Big Show vs The Social Outcast

Curtis Axel charges Kane, but Kane punches him square in the jaw. Axel slaps Kane in the back of the head… you know… because he has a death wish. Kane is about chokeslam Axel when the rest of the Social Outcast get in the ring and attack Kane.

Winner- The Big Show and Kane (DQ)

After the match the rest of the competitors in the André the Giant battle Royal charge the ring. After a massive brawl Kane and Big Show clear the ring. They top off their domination by chokeslaming the entire Social Outcast team at once.


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