Lucha Underground Results (3/9) – Epic Triple Threat Match, Taya Valkyrie In-Ring Temple Debut, Who’s The Moth’s Sister?

Ivelisse, Son of Havoc and Angelico Segment: 

Ivelisse walks out of Catrina’s office and she informs her tag team partners that they have a rematch for their Trios Championship against the Disciples of Death next week. Ivelisse says that she had to agree to this stipulation, either they win or they hit the open road. Angelico asks Ivelisse why would she agree to that stipulation. Ivelisse says that it’s Angelico fault. Son of Havoc calls both Angelico and Ivelisse idiots. Ivelisse says that it’s time to man up. 

Third Match: Mil Muertes (c) w/Catrina vs. Prince Puma vs. Pentagon Jr. in a Triple Threat Match for the Lucha Underground Championship 

Puma and Pentagon begin to double team Muertes. Puma and Pentagon stomps on Muertes chest in the corner. Pentagon kicks Muertes in the ribs. Puma and Pentagon have a stare off and they go back to double teaming Muertes. Muertes with a double clothesline to both Puma and Pentagon. Muertes with a powerbomb to Puma. Muertes with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Pentagon. Muertes with five corner clotheslines to Pentagon. Muertes launches Puma to the other side of the ring. Muertes with a irish whip that sends Pentagon to the outside. Puma with a Tornado DDT to Pentagon.Puma with a enziguri to Muertes. Muertes with a big forearm that knocks Puma off the ring apron. Muertes with a flying crossbody to Puma  on the outside.

Muertes launches Puma in the crowd. Puma with a superkick to Muertes. Puma with a hurricanrana to Pentagon off the steps. Pentagon with a superkick to Muertes. Puma lands a massive forearm to Muertes. Pentagon drops Puma with a back body drop to the ring apron. Muertes with a forearm to the back of Pentagon head. Muertes sends Pentagon face first to the steel ring post. Pentagon with slingblade to Muertes. Pentagon connects with a plancha onto Muertes on the outside. We have the same sequence from Puma as well. Pentagon sends Puma to the crowd. Puma with a series of right hands to Pentagon. Pentagon chops Puma in the chest. Puma goes for a suplex, but Pentagon blocks that attempt.

Pentagon with a flying crossbody to Muertes. Muertes drives Pentagon back first to the ring apron. Muertes irish whips Pentagon into the chairs at ringside. Pentagon with a superkick to Muertes. Puma with a Shooting Star Moonsault to both Muertes and Pentagon on the outside. Back in the ring Puma lands a enziguri to Pentagon. Puma with the 450 Splash, but Muertes breaks the pin attempt at the count of two. Puma with forearms to Muertes. Muertes with a quick powerslam to Puma for a two count. Muertes goes for a Flatliner, but Puma and Pentagon counter with multiple superkicks. Pentagon with a backstabber to Puma. Pentagon with the Pentagon Driver for a two count. Pentagon connects with the Package Piledriver. Pentagon goes to break Puma’s arm, but Muertes counters with the Dagger in the Heart. Muertes with the Dagger in the Heart to Puma. Muertes connects with a Double Flatliner to both Puma and Pentagon to pickup the victory. After the match Fenix comes out to announce that he’s cashing in his Gift of the God Championship next week.

Winner: Still Lucha Underground Champion Mil Muertes 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s Lucha Underground. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums. 

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezCSR


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