Episode 2 Of The Sharpshooter Show Drops Tomorrow; Bret Hart To Look Back At His WMXIII Classic w/ Steve Austin, #AskTheHitman, More

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WrestleZone Radio will be releasing the sophomore episode of The Sharpshooter Show w/ Bret “The Hitman” Hart tomorrow afternoon!

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Tomorrow’s episode will feature Bret chatting candidly about:

  • His thoughts on tonight’s episode of Monday Night RAW
  • His WrestleMania XIII classic with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (featuring comments from his sons Blade & Dallas)
  • What he thinks gets “4 Out Of 10” for the week
  • His answers to fan questions submitted to him on Twitter via #AskTheHitman
  • More…

You can find the full audio of Bret’s debut episode of The Sharpshooter Show in the embedded audio player below. We have also included a few select transcribed quotes from that episode:

On he is doing after his recent prostate cancer surgery:

BH: There’s no real way of knowing. I have to get checked over the next few years. Prostate cancer is a very touchy kind of thing. It’s a little bit like breast cancer. It’s one of those cancers that if you get it in time you can be a survivor rather than a victim of it. I was one of those guys that got checked kind of regularly. I was smart enough to jump on it when I got checked and my doctors were on top of it in the early stages of it. I had my prostate removed two weeks ago. It’s been a difficult recovery but in saying that I think it’s safe to say, my doctors and I, that the cancer was contained within the prostate. Which has been removed. I should be cancer free hopefully for the rest of my life. It’s just a matter of me slowly recovering and taking my time. I know a lot of fans out there have said a lot of prayers and stuff for me. I appreciate that. Right now it’s in God’s hands where I go from here. There’s a lot of people where the cancer comes back. Once I deal with it a second time it won’t be an easy fight if it comes back. God willing, I think I’ve nipped it in the bud so to speak. I hope that I can have a full recovery. They say it could take anywhere from eight months to two years to recover from prostate cancer surgery. I am optimistic. I am a strong willed kind of person. I put a lot of faith in my doctors. I truly believe that I’ll get better and I’ll be %100.

On what spot in the WrestleMania XII Iron Man Match he thought really helped the match the most:

Bret: I will tell you this much, I don’t think anyone realized it at the time, one of the things I thought really made the match was that spot where Shawn hit the post and then staggered on top of the time keeper. Tony Chimel is his name. He threw me in and I sat on the guy’s lap and Shawn came over and gave the big Superkick and wound up taking out the time keeper. You know, when you’re having an hour match it’s really hard to keep everyone’s attention. The hardest part of an hour match is around that 20-25 minute mark where they start going all out, “These two guys aren’t going to wrestle an hour. My God!” It’s starts to become a bit of, “Oh, we don’t want to see that.” That spot where we took out Tony Chimel and they took him out in a stretcher, it really just got us over that hump. Maybe that 5-10 minute period where the match could get a little bit boring. Where they kind of wait for something special to happen. It was just such a great little spot that probably no one really noticed but it got us over the hump of the boring part of the match. Where you swap holds and go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. It allowed us to kind of get ready for the last thirty minutes which were just… we just blew it out with everything we had. Every move. Every physical thing we had left in our arsenal. I don’t think that there were any moves that Shawn had or moves that I had that we didn’t try in that match. That was a key part of the match. That spot with the time keeper.

On his response to this fan submitted #AskTheHitman tweet about “The British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith:

BH: My favorite memory of Davey is from when he first moved over here from England. I can remember him being in my house and I had this little toy transistor radio. It played FM/AM and took batteries. It looked like a little toy turntable. I had little speakers and I would plug it in in the kitchen. The batteries were dead. It was completely dead. I can remember Davey coming in and going, “What are you doing?” I said, “I got this special high frequency radio that’s specially made for cats. We can’t hear it. Human beings can’t hear. It’s got such a high note that just cats can listen to. It mellows the cat out. It listens to it all day long. It keeps them mellowed out.” I remember for maybe the next year with Davey I would wake up in the morning and Davey would have the cat on the ground and be in the squat position. Holding the cat and making him listen to the radio saying, “He likes it! He likes it!” It was kind of an on-going joke where people would come over to my house all the time and go, “Oh, the cat’s listening to the radio again?” Davey would always get the cat and make him listen to it. Then my sister Diana found out that we were having sport with him. Having fun with him. She told him that it made him look stupid and we were making fun of him and everyone is laughing at him. It was pretty funny and it was a harmless little joke. That’s the best one I can tell in a short time. I got lots of X-rated one that I can’t tell. 


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