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Flashback: 2016 WWE Fastlane Results: Who is The Number One Contender?, Styles vs Jericho, Owens Retains and More!

First Match: Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch vs. Team Bad

Sasha tags herself in and she and Becky begin to argue. Naomi tags in Tamina. Sasha with a boot to Tamina face and Becky tags herself in. Sasha and Becky with a double team dropkick to Tamina. Becky with running legdrops to Tamina for a two count. Tamina headbutts becky and tags in Naomi. Becky bounces Naomi head on the top turnbuckle. Naomi with bicycle kicks. Becky with a exploder suplex that sends Naomi to the outside. Sasha and Becky with baseball slide dropkicks that knock Tamina and Naomi down. Becky is on the top rope. Naomi with a stunner that sends Becky to the outside. Naomi with a series of right hands to Becky and tags in Tamina. Tamina with a big clothesline for a two count. Tamina with a chin lock. Tamina drives Becky down to the mat. Tamina knocks Sasha off the ring apron. Tamina kicks Becky in the midsection. Tamia with a big right hand and tags in Naomi. Naomi with a chinlock. Naomi with a boot to the face of Becky and tags in Tamina.

Tamina drives Becky to the corner. Tamina goes for bodyslam, but Becky escapes. Just before Becky tags in Sasha, Naomi knocks Sasha off the ring apron. Naomi with a flying clothesline. Tamina drags Becky back into the ring and tags in Naomi. Becky with a back elbow and sends Naomi and Tamina to the outside. Becky finally tags in Sasha. Sasha with a dropkick to Naomi. Sasha kicks Naomi in the chest. Sasha with a double knee stomp to Naomi chest. Sasha with the corner double knee. Sasha with the backstabber to Naomi. Sasha gets Naomi in the Bank Statement, but Tamina drags Sasha out of the ring. Naomi with the Rear View to Sasha for a two count. Sasha sends Naomi to the steel ring post. Tamina with a superkick to Sasha. Becky with a missile dropkick that sends Naomi to the outside. Tamina goes for the Samoan Drop, but gets trapped into the Bank Statement. Becky with the Dis Arm Her to Naomi which leads to both members of Team Bad tapping out.

Winner: Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch via Submission