Concerns About AJ Styles & How Bullet Club Could Come Into Play, Fun Reaction To Sunny/Chyna, Jannetty Commets & More

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AJ Styles

Blake Mitchamore wrote a blog Tuesday on talking about how AJ Styles has been used thus far. Here’s a sample:

It’s no secret that AJ Styles isn’t the biggest guy in the world. It’s no secret that AJ Styles is a southern guy from Georgia. Those facts have always given AJ the stigma of not being a “WWE” guy. That hasn’t stopped AJ from becoming one of the best wrestlers in the world. The WWE should be focusing on that fact but they’re not. That’s a big mistake in my opinion.

AJ had a great debut in the Royal Rumble. He didn’t win the match but he felt like a big deal, he felt important. The next night on Raw AJ Styles spoke to the WWE universe, for 15 seconds. I didn’t like that but I let it go. I let it go because it was Chris Jericho that interrupted him. Even at the age of 46 Chris Jericho has name recognition and credibility to the WWE fan base. Having Chris Jericho refer to AJ as a “kid” and saying “Welcome to the big leagues” doesn’t help AJ get over. It makes him look like a minor leaguer or a “B-teamer.”

Last night on Raw things took a turn for the worse. The Miz is good at his job. He knows how to piss a crowd off; he knows how to get heat. I get the logic of putting AJ Styles in a Miz TV segment. I get the logic but the segment didn’t work. The Miz should not be running down AJ Styles. AJ Styles is a star around the world and Miz IS NOT. I don’t want to hear the Miz make fun of AJ Styles. What purpose does it serve to have The Miz call AJ small and make fun of his AJ Styles southern draw?  Sixty five percent of your Monday night Raw audience doesn’t have the WWE Network they may not know who AJ Styles is. The first impression you’re giving of AJ Styles is that of a “Rookie Redneck.”

For how this could lead to the Bullet Club—CLICK HERE for the rest of the blog.

Headlines Of The Week

The first video of the weekend for CSR is some commentary & reaction to the headlines of the week including:

  • Marty Jannetty’s comments to Stephanie McMahon
  • Awesome Kong/Reby Sky incident
  • Sunny challenges Chyna
  • 15 years since the XFL



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