wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (1/28) – The Wyatt’s Crash The Highlight Reel, AJ Styles SmackDown Debut

Fifth Match: The Wyatt Family w/Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Chris Jericho 

Jericho and Rowan start off the match. Rowan with right hands to Jericho in the corner. Jericho chops Rowan in the chest and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with a chop/jab combination to Rowan. Ambrose with a running dropkick and tags in Reigns. Reigns drives Rowan to the corner and Jericho tags himself in. Rowan with a shoulder tackle to Jericho. Rowan with a side headlock. Rowan drives Jericho to the corner and tags in Harper. Harper with a palm strike to Jericho. Harper rakes the eyes of Jericho. Harper with a side kick to the midsection. Jericho with knife edge chops to Harper. Jericho with a flying elbow drop. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Harper escapes the hold. Jericho with a running clothesline. Jericho with ten right hands to the head of Harper in the corner. Harper with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count.

Coming out of the break Bray connects with a running splash to Jericho and tags in Rowan. Rowan with a vice grip to Jericho. Rowan with a pump-handle back breaker for a two count. Rowan tags in Harper. Harper with a modified variation of the Figure Four Leg Lock. Jericho chops Harper in the chest, but Harper counters with a side headlock. Harper transitions into a chin lock. Harper with a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Harper with a big boot that drives Reigns to the outside. Jericho with a codebreaker to Harper. Ambrose and Rowan are tagged in. Ambrose with a running forearm/bulldog to Rowan. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop for a two count. Ambrose with a slingshot to Bray. Ambrose with a suicide dive that sends Rowan back first to the barricade. Rowan with a roundhouse kick to Ambrose for a two count. Rowan tags in Bray. Bray with a running senton to Ambrose. Ambrose rolls Bray up for a two count. Ambrose with the Lunatic Lariat to Bray. Ambrose tags in Reigns. Reigns with running clothesline to Harper. Reigns with a series of corner clotheslines. Reigns with a big boot to the face of Harper, but Rowan breaks up the count at two. Ambrose clotheslines Rowan over the top rope.

Jericho with a springboard dropkick that sends Bray to the outside. Jericho and Ambrose with  spirngboard planchas onto the Wyatt’s on the outside. Reigns with a uppercut to Strowman. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Harper. Harper rolls Reigns up for a two count. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Harper. Strowman rolls Reigns to the outside to cause the disqualification. Strowman drives Reigns to the barricade. Strowman launches Jericho over the announce table. Wyatt drags Reigns back into the ring. Bray goes for the Sister Abigail, but Big Show comes out and lays out Harper and Rowan. Big Show have a stare off with Strowman and Rowan/Harper attacks Big Show from behind. Big Show drives Strowman over the top rope. Bray goes for the Sister Abigail to Reigns, but Roman counters with a SuperMan Punch. Jericho and Ambrose sends Rowan over the top rope. Reigns with a spear to Harper. Reigns, Jericho, Big Show and Ambrose celebrate to end the show.

Winner: Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Chris Jericho via Disqualification 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s SmackDown. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums. 

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