PWS/GFW Show Tonight Cancelled Due to State of Emergency Being Declared in NJ; GFW Announces Make Up Event (Poster Included)

Due to the extreme winter weather hammering down on the East coast at the moment the New Jersey’s governor has officially called for a State of Emergency. 

Pro Wrestling Syndicate’s Twitter account currently has the following post up regarding whether their co-promoted show with Global Force Wrestling will still be happening tonight:

With the State of Emergency officially being declared I reached out to PWS to confirm if the show was indeed cancelled. I was told that it has officially been cancelled. Global Force Wrestling has already announced a make up show for the fans that will include many of the same wrestlers that would have been on tonight’s co-promoted event. It will not, however, feature Bobby Roode and Colt Cabana

I was also sent the poster for Global Force Wrestling’s make up show which will take place next Saturday, January 30th, back at the Rahway Rec Center in Rahway, NJ. You can find the new poster below:


Earlier this week WrestleZone Radio presented an exclusive interview with one of the owners of Pro Wrestling Syndicate, Pat Buck, on WrestleZone Daily. Pat spoke candidly about how the relationship between Pro Wrestling Syndicate and Global Force Wrestling came together and much more.

You can find the full audio of Pat’s appearance starting at the 50:05 minute mark in the embedded audio player below as well as a selected transcribed quote:

On how the relationship between PWS and GFW came together:

PB: When he first announced that he was doing Global Force and his kind of wanting to change wrestling and give people a different option. That was dare I say two years, maybe, give or take, shortly after that we booked Jeff for PWS as a talent. We like to bring in independent guys. We like to bring in Legends. Jeff is a Legend. We bring in up and comers. We like to do a mix here. When we brought Jeff in Jeff was in the early stages of Global Force and evaluating different talent. We had a training seminar. I think he was really taken aback by how well trained and how devoted my staff was. It’s not just guys that train from scratch. PWS found it’s name and part of the reason why the success is there is because there’s a lot of good talent out there that just needs to be tweaked a little bit. To really show what they’ve got. Guys like The Heavenly Bodies. Jeff saw these guys for the first time and he pulled me to the side and said, “What are you doing here to cultivate talent?” He had a fun time there. We worked each other a year or so ago. We’ve always just been blown away by how much thought and planning and just development and devotion we have here to the product. When it came time to go, “Ok, we’re going to run and have some Northeast presence.” That’s when they kind of locked up with us. That’s where it came from. I guess the idea was relatively mutual. 

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Last month WrestleZone Radio also featured an interview with Jeff Jarrett where he also talked about working with PWS. You can find Jeff’s interview in the embedded player below: 


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