WWE RAW Results (1/11): Brock Lesnar Returns, Roman Reigns vs Everyone, New Champion and More!

Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus

We join the match in progress after a short commercial break. Sheamus clubs Ambrose in the corner before back suplexing him into the mat. Ambrose tries to fight back, but Sheamus sends him to the outside. After a few clubbing blows to Ambrose’s back and chest, Sheamus stands on his chest and taunts the crowd. Sheamus has Ambrose in a side headlock, but Ambrose fights out of it and lands a back suplex of his own. Sheamus responds with a club to Ambrose’s head. Sheamus tries the ten beats of the whatever the hell it’s called, but Ambrose reverses it and does it to Sheamus. Sheamus is incensed; he tosses Ambrose to the outside, slamming him into the barricade and duplexing Ambrose on the announce table.

Ambrose surprises Sheamus with a running forearm and a clothesline in the corner. Sheamus throws a brogue kick, but Ambrose ducks and Sheamus goes careening over the top rope. 

After another break, Ambrose dives off the top rope, but Sheamus catches him in an Irish curse backbreaker. Sheamus locks in his version of the cloverleaf, but Ambrose gets to the ropes. Ambrose misses his rebound clothesline, but manages to hit Sheamus with a neckbreaker. Ambrose sits on the top rope, but Sheamus grabs him off for white noise. Ambrose reverses it into a sunset flip for a two count. Ambrose hits a tornado DDT for another two count. Ambrose diving/standing elbow drops Sheamus for another near fall. Ambrose tries dirty deeds, but Sheamus reverses. Ambrose hits the ropes and floors Sheamus with the rebound clothesline. Ambrose attempts a rope dive, but eats Sheamus’ elbow before he makes it to the outside. Sheamus tosses Ambrose into the barricade and the ring steps over and over again. Sheamus almost tosses Ambrose into the ring post, but Ambrose pushes Sheamus head first into the post instead. Ambrose bangs Sheamus’ head into the ring post over and over again. Sheamus is busted open.

Winner- No contest (double count out)

After the match Kevin Owens attacks Ambrose from behind.


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