Ring of Honor Final Battle 2015 Results (12/18) – Lethal vs Styles, New Champions Crowned, Cole & O’Reilly Go To War

Fifth Match: ACH, Matt Sydal and Alex Shelley vs. The Addiction & Chris Sabin 

Shelley and Daniels start off that match. Daniels lands a knee. Shelley counters with a slingshot armdrag and tags out to Sydal who gets beaten into the heel corner. Sydal quickly tags out to ACH. ACH dropkicks Sabin, but Sabin gets the advantage and makes Shelley tags in. Sabin tags Kaz. Kaz gets triple teamed by the babyfaces, and Daniels eats a standing moonsault from Sydal. ACH punts Daniels at ringside, but gets punted by Sabin, who also kicks Sydal right in the face. Sydal ends up getting worked over by Sabin and Addiction in their corner, then sandwiched with three dropkicks.

Shelley gets the hot tag and lays out The Addiction. Kaz Cutter and Au Revoir get a two count on ACH. Sydal gets knees on a Shooting Star attempt, and gets hit with a slingshot DDT. Shelley hits Kaz with a reverse STO into the buckle, but Daniels STOs him. ACH sends Daniels outside and lands Air Jordan onto Daniels and Sabin. ACH with the Midnight Star and Sydal connects with the Shooting Star Press to pickup the victory. 

Winner: ACH, Matt Sydal and Alex Shelley 

Sixth Match: Roderick Strong (c) vs. Bobby Fish in a ROH World Television Championship Match 

Fish and Strong trade holds and reversals. Fish with the Fish Hook. Strong lands some strikes, but falls victim to a suplex and a somersault senton. Strong tosses Fish across the guard rail. Strong with a Olympic Slam to Fish for a two count Fish comes back and attacks the leg of Strong, and Strong keeps using it anyway, which ends up costing him. Fish scores a series of knees and kicks, but Strong comes back with his own, then runs by Fish several times with forearms and chops.

Fish grabs the leg and does a dragon screw on the apron. The two trade strikes, and Fish drops Strong with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the floor. Fish then drops Strong across the top turnbuckle, but only gets a two count. Fish blasts Strong with a spinning wheel kick, and both men work to the top rope, where Fish kills Strong with a Super Falcon Arrow for two. Strong is up and striking Fish, but gets caught in a kneebar. Fish locks in the Fish Lock and Strong taps out, but the referee doesn’t see Strong tap. Fish celebrates and Strong connects with a running knee to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still ROH World Television Champion Roderick Strong