Impact Wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (12/2) – Round of 16 Action In The TNA World Title Series

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results

December 2nd, 2015

Report By Joshua Lopez for

First Match: DJ Zema Ion vs. Ethan Carter III w/Tyrus in a Round of 16 Match in the TNA World Title Series 

Carter and DJZ lock up. They go to the corner and Carter taunts DJZ. DJZ pushes Carter. DJZ with a wrist lock on Carter. DJZ with a roll up for a one count. DJZ with a backslide for a two count. Carter with a boot to the midsection of DJZ. DJZ with a dropkick to Carter and he rolls to the outside. DJZ with a running dropkick to the outside. DJZ with a crossbody for a two count. Carter with a boot to DJZ that sends him to the outside. Tyrus bull rushes DJZ on the outside. Carter bounces DJZ head off the ring apron. DJZ fires back with right hands to Carter.

Carter whips DJZ face first to the ring post. Carter rolls DJZ back into the ring for a two count. Carter begins to work on DJZ shoulder. Carter blocks a boot attempt from DJZ. DJZ with a flying dropkick to Carter. DJZ with a neckbreaker to Carter. DJZ goes for a springboard DDT, but Carter blocks it. DJZ connects with a DDT for a two count. Carter rakes the eyes of DJZ. DJZ with a hurricanrana. Carter counters with a sitout power bomb. Carter with the 1% Percenter to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ethan Carter III Advances To The Round of 8

Gail Kim Promo: 

Gail has always been vocal about the role the Knockouts play in professional wrestling. TNA has always allowed the Knockouts to be themselves and tonight will be no different. She gets to be one of the 16 wrestlers to be part of TNA World Title Series. She respects Tigre Uno and feels that he’s a great TNA X Division, but tonight she will show that she’s not just another pretty face. She’s here to win it all.