wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (11/26) – New WWE TLC Match Announced, Del Rio vs Swagger, A New Day’s Thanksgiving

Fourth Match: The New Day w/The Gobbledygooker vs. The Lucha Dragons 

Kofi and Kalisto start off the match. Kalisto with a wrist lock to Kofi. Kofi counters with the standing switch. Kofi with a reversal and he pulls Kalisto to the mat by the mask and applies a wrist lock. Sin Cara is tagged in. Lucha Dragons connect with a snap mare and a dropkick to Kofi. The Dragons with a wheelbarrow back senton for a two count. Sin Cara with a chop and irish whips Kofi to the corner. Sin Cara charges towards Kofi and Sin Cara eats a boot in the corner. Kofi goes for a hurricanrana, but Sin Cara counters with a sunset flip for a two count. Kofi with a back heel kick to Sin Cara. Kofi tags in Big E. Big E with a running shoulder tackle to Sin Cara. The Gobbledygooker dances on the ring apron. Sin Cara with a dropkick to Big E that sends the Gobbledygooker to the outside. Sin Cara with a suicide dive to Big E to the outside. Big E knocks Sin Cara off the ring apron and sends Sin Cara rib first to the announce table. The New Day begin their rapid fire tags and stomps to the chest of Sin Cara. Big E dances on the ring apron. Kofi irish whips Sin Cara to the corner and tags in Big E. Big E with a running splash for a two count. Sin Cara sends Big E shoulder first to the ring post.

Sin Cara tags in Kalisto. Kalisto with a springboard seated splash to Kofi. Kalisto with a springboard corkscrew crossbody to Kofi. Kalisto with a springboard round kick to knock Big E off the apron. Kofi with an elbow and he uses the ropes for extra leverage. The Gobbledygooker pushes Kofi off the ropes and Kalisto hits Salida Del Sol to Kofi to pickup the victory.  After the match, Big E and Kofi wants to know what happened. Jimmy Uso comes out and he has an air horn and a tied up Xavier Woods in his boxers. Jimmy kicks Xavier down the ramp and then Big E and Kofi wonder who is under the turkey suit and it is Jey Uso. Kalisto and Sin Cara with a double drop kick to Big E and Jey with a clothesline to Kofi. Woods is rolled into the ring by the Lucha Dragons. Kalisto and Sin Cara hold Woods up for Jimmy to hit a super kick. Jey goes up top and hits a superfly splash.

Winner: The Lucha Dragons