Dash And Dawson Talk About Winning The NXT Tag Titles, Surprising Fans With Their Win, Why Do They Gel As A Team?

wwe nxtNew NXT Tag Team Champions Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, recently spoke to WWE.com about their big title win over former champions The Vaudevillians. 

Dash and Dawson talk about how it feels to finally win the titles, why they work so well together, proving people wrong and shocking the fans with their win, and much more. You can read a few excerpts below: 

Dash and Dawson on how it feels to win the titles:

DAWSON: Validated. That’s the only way I can describe it. Since we were young, this was our No. 1 goal. After a year here in NXT as a tag team, tearing the house down on every Live Event, we finally got one opportunity at the NXT Tag Team Championship and we took full advantage of it. Now, we can officially call ourselves the best tag team on the planet. We have the hardware to prove it.

DASH: Exactly. It feels right. It feels like we are everything we said we were. It feels like we worked our whole lives to prove people wrong. And that’s exactly what we did.

On people being surprised they won: 

DAWSON: I’ve been in NXT for almost three years. I have seen people come and I’ve seen a lot more go. I’ve also seen people walk into NXT and get handed many opportunities. For Dash and myself, we’ve never been handed anything. We’ve always had to prove our worth, and that’s OK with us. I just think the NXT Universe had no idea what we had to offer. Now, after working hard and getting an opportunity, we’re reaping the rewards.

DASH: It was a shock to the people that didn’t really know Dash & Dawson, especially to the people that hadn’t seen us on TV. People wanted to judge us based on paragraphs without reading the entire book.

Why does the team of Dash and Dawson work so well? 

DAWSON: For starters, we’ve known each other for more than 24 years. We grew up together in Kill Devil Hills, N.C. Besides the obvious of knowing each other inside and out, our goal since we were young was to be the Tag Team Champions in WWE. It seems all the other Superstars here wrestle to please the crowd. They wrestle to feed their egos with “This is awesome” chants. We fight to feed our families. We fight to win. If, at the end of the night, the NXT Universe likes us, OK. If they don’t, that’s perfectly fine, too. As long as our check cashes the next day, we’ll be all right.

DASH: Our bond is a bond that you can’t manufacture or reproduce. When Scott made it to NXT, we knew it was just a matter of time before I was here, and we talked about it every day. By the time I walked through the doors, we already had everything planned and ready. We aren’t here to win popularity contests or to be the most raved about on podcasts or blogs. We are here to bring back the meaning of tag team wrestling. Tag team wrestling is more than two guys slapping hands. It’s about knowing what the other is thinking, knowing what you have to do, and not being afraid to do it, whatever it takes.