Tyler Breeze vs R-Truth
Breeze charges Truth but Truth drop toeholds him. Truth dances around hits a leg drop and a high arm drag on Breeze. Breeze retreats to the corner as Summer Rae applies lip-gloss to Breeze. Breeze kicks Truth in the leg and applies a rolling single leg crab. Truth gets to the ropes, but Breeze holds on till the count of five. Truth hits the lie detector and the axe kick for a two count. Breeze hits the beauty shot outta nowhere for the win.
Winner- Tyler Breeze
WWE Title Quarterfinals Match- Dolph Ziggler vs Dean Ambrose
Ziggler and Ambrose feel each other out. They lock hands and take turns winning the test of strength. Ambrose grounds Ziggler with a side headlock. Ziggler turns it into a pin attempt for a two count. Ziggler almost hits a super kick but Ambrose ducks it. Ziggler lowers his head prematurely for a back body drop, but Ambrose kicks him in the head and clotheslines him over the top rope. Ambrose is about to fly, but Ziggler rolls back in the ring.
Ambrose gets back in the ring, and Ziggler puts him in a modified surfboard stretch. Ziggler hits the ropes, but gets caught in a sidewalk slam. Ambrose is working over Ziggler’s back. Ambrose locks in a single leg crab, followed by a body slam. Ambrose goes up top and takes Ziggler out with a standing elbow drop, but Ziggler rolls through and almost pins Ambrose. After trading multiple pin attempts, Ziggler and Ambrose both go for a cross body at the same time. Ambrose climbs to the top turnbuckle once again, but Ziggler hops up there as well. After a brief exchange, both Ziggler and Ambrose fall off the top ropes and tumble to opposites sides of the floor.