WWE RAW Results (11/16): The Semifinals of the WWE World Title Tournament Are Set, More!

Neville rolls up Owens for a quick two count. Neville works on Owens’ arm as Owens retreats to the corner. Owens cheap shots Neville before locking in a side headlock. Neville fights out, hits the ropes and hurricanranas Owens. Drop kick by Neville. Neville is about to hit the red arrow, but Owens rolls to the outside. Neville moonsaults onto Owens on the outside of the ring.

After a short break, Owens tosses Neville into the barricade, stomach first. Back in the ring, Owens tries a suplex but Neville knees Owens in the head. Neville gets back body dropped, but lands on the apron. Owens super kicks Neville off the apron. Neville manages to get back in the ring at the count of nine. Owens flattens Neville with a gut buster. Owens charges Neville in the corner, but Neville moves out of the way. Neville grabs Owens by the waist and hits a snap German suplex, followed by a second rope phoenix splash for a two count.

Neville tries the red arrow again, but Owens knocks him off the top rope. Owens almost hits the pop up power bomb, but Neville jumps over him. Neville follows that with a reverse- hurricanrana for another two count. Neville misses the red arrow, but lands on his feet. He turns around and gets obliterated by a pop up powerbomb.

Winner- Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens advances to the semi-finals of the WWE title tournament.