Exclusive: Bill Goldberg on Chances of an MMA Match: “It’s an Open Subject, I Could Do an Eight Week Camp and Do Something” (Audio)

WZR GoldbergThe following exclusive is from an interview granted to WrestleZone Radio with former WWE & WCW World Heavyweight Champion Bill Goldberg. Bill is interviewed by WrestleZone Radio’s Nick Hausman.

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On being approached to do a fight for GLORY Kick Boxing:

BG: Yeah, they approached me about doing something. To be honest with you the unfortunate part is there’s a lot of room between their promotional skills. There’s a reason they are where they are. There’s a reason why they clamor to guys from the professional wrestling world to try to attach themselves to and try to bring them in to the forefront. Bring them more viewers. I do believe they’re behind in that area. It wasn’t a realistic scenario for me to do it at that time. It’s an open subject because I still train three days a week. I could do an eight week camp and do something. At the end of the day I could do a smoker down at my gym that would reward me much more so than going out on free TV and giving it to SPIKE and doing it on a month’s notice with not much hoopla behind it. At the end of the day I think it would be a huge tool for that business. It would be a great way to market the business. In a non-comical way by any stretch of the imagination. I am completely serious about this. It’s like wrestling and if it’s not a realistic scenario then I surely don’t need to do it by any stretch.

You can find the full audio of the interview and find the trailer for Bill’s upcoming film Check Point below: 

In the full interview Bill talks candidly with Nick about his upcoming appearance in the movie Check Point, what it would realistically take to make a rematch between him and Brock Lesnar happen in the WWE, his thoughts on Sting as a man and father, the possibility of a Ken Shamrock vs Kurt Angle fight in Bellator, CM Punk’s chances in the UFC, Ronda Rousey wanting to make the leap from UFC to WWE, why he changed his podcast platform, more


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