AUDIO: WZ Radio Originals Weekend Round-Up; Hamin’s Hardcore Happy Hour, NXT Rewind, RAW Reaction, Plus News On a Brand New Show

WZ Radio Logo 210WrestleZone Radio has begun expanding to include more original pro wrestling-centric audio content. On top of our regular review shows like RAW Reaction, NXT Rewind & Breakdown After The Bell we have begun adding other original content as well. 

You can get all of the original content produced by WrestleZone Radio FOR FREE by subscribing on iTunes & Soundcloud.

This past week saw the debut of Hamin’s Hardcore Happy Hour. A weekly, one-hour interview based show. Each episode is hosted by notorious pro wrestling villain and beloved pro wrestling pundit Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr) and features him talking to a different pro wrestling personality. His debut episode this past week featured Ben chatting with former WWE Head Writer Ed Ferrara.

RAW Reaction 10.20.15

feat. Nick Hausman & 2CW’s Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr)

NXT Rewind 10.21.15

feat. Jonathan Jansen & Chris Brooks

Coming up this week we WrestleZone Radio will be debuting a new monthly pro wrestling news show called The Caribbean Report. Below is a description of what WrestleZone Radio listeners can expect:

Joel Torres, producer of the wrestling multimedia ContralonaPR, has been collaborating three and a half years with the wrestling industry. He is also part of the wrestling shows Desde La Lona (From the Mat), Más Allá del Ring (Beyond The Ring), Análisis Deportivo (Sports Analysis) and ContralonaTV. Danny Nieves, who collaborates with World Wrestling Council, has been a wrestling promoter, manager, referee and executive in Puerto Rico, Mexico and the United States.

The purpose of this program is to educate, review and show the american fanbase the importance that the caribbean has in this business. The Caribbean Report will mainly present topics about Puerto Rican wrestling, the history and recent events. Eventually, it will also have special guests.

The Caribbean Report will start this Tuesday, October 27 at noon on The podcast will be broadcasted every last Tuesday of each month.