Wants Fans to “Kill All Wrestling Chants”, WWE Teases Kalisto Unmasking (Photos), Coachman on WWE/ESPN Relationship

Kill All Wrestling Chants? has published a new article calling for all fan chants in pro wrestling to be “killed.” The article author cites this week’s Raw crowd in Chicago, and below is an excerpt commenting on the crowd’s behavior during the John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler match:

kalistoAnd that, right there, is the problem with wrestling chants: They aren’t about the wrestlers or the action in the ring — they’re about the people doing the chants. Sure, some of them might seem to be, but the connective tissue is extremely thin. You could make an argument that a “THIS IS AWESOME” chant is all about showing respect to the wrestlers in the ring, but it’s an argument I won’t ever buy. Why’s that? Because there’s a much better, much easier way to show respect to the men and women in the ring, one that doesn’t pull the spotlight away from the wrestlers and onto the crowd: Cheer the faces and boo the heels. That simple advice accomplishes everything that chanting does, while still keeping the focus on the actual action.

WWE Teases Kalisto Unmasking has posted a new photoshoot with one half of The Lucha Dragons, Kalisto. One of the photos in the gallery teases a possible unmasking for Kalisto, and you can check it out at this link.

Coachman Talks WWE/ESPN Relationship

Jonathan Coachman took to Twitter today and offered the following as to how WWE and ESPN will benefit from their new relationship:


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