WWE SmackDown Results (10/15) – Roman Bolieve’s, Ambrose Returns To Cincinnati, Ziggler & Summer Together?

Second Match: Cesaro & Neville vs. King Barrett & Sheamus 

Stardust and The Ascension appear in the audience. Neville and Barrett start off the match. Neville with a headlock to Barrett. Neville with a hurricanrana. Barrett with clubbing blows to Neville back. Barrett goes for the boot and Neville counters. Neville with rapid fire kicks. Neville a headlock and Sheamus tags himself in. Neville goes for the hurricanrana and Sheamus counters. Neville sends Sheamus to outside. Barrett attacks Neville from behind. Cesaro sends Barrett to the outside. Neville with a dive to the outside that knocks both Barrett and Sheamus down. Neville with a crossbody for a two count. Barrett with a boot to the face of Neville for a two count. Barrett applies a submission hold to Neville’s back. Neville with right hands. Barrett rams Neville into the corner.

Barrett tags in Sheamus. Sheamus stomps on Neville the referee pulls Sheamus back and from behind Barrett attacks Neville. Sheamus plants Neville. Barrett is tagged in. Barrett with a headlock. Neville tries to make the tag to Cesaro and Barrett stops Neville momentum. Neville eventually tags in Cesaro. Barrett tags in Sheamus. Cesaro with running european uppercuts. Cesaro with a dropkick. Cesaro knocks Barrett off the ring apron. Sheamus tries to Cesaro over the top rope. Cesaro with a running uppercut to Barrett on the outside. Cesaro with a springboard uppercut for a two count. Cesaro goes for the swing and Sheamus reaches the bottom ring. Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing, Barrett comes from behind and hits Cesaro with the Bull Hammer. Barrett storms out of the ring before the referee turn his back. Sheamus crawls towards Cesaro and pickup the victory.

Winner: King Barrett & Sheamus 

Summer Rae Backstage Interview: 

Renee Young mentions the emotional rollercoaster Summer has been through. We see the clip from Raw where Summer verbally berates Rusev. Young said that’s a different side from Summer. Summer said that this won’t be the last time she puts a man in his place. Summer said that unlike some people she could seperate her personal life from her professional life and walks away.