Ring of Honor TV Tapings *Spoilers* (9/19): Takaaki Watanabe vs. Jay Lethal for the TV Title, Adam Page vs Jay Briscoe in a No Holds Barred Match and More

Show #3

Donovan Dijak w/ Truth Martini vs Moose w/ Stokely Hathaway

Sloppy match but Moose picks up the win with a spear.

Cedric Alexander w/ Veda Scott vs Dalton Castle

Very weird seeing him come out without the boys and in a t-shirt.

Dalton is really playing up the confused part well without his boys. He’s much more aggressive now and early on it worked but as the match went on it hurt him causing him to miss a boot in the corner. Veda held his leg while Cedric hit a running kick to Castle. He eventually fires back and picks up the win over Cedric.

Veda gets on the mic and asks if we enjoyed it, followed by a loud “yes” chant. Veda blames Nigel for Cedric being hurt for sanctioning the no DQ Match against Moose. She threatens a lawsuit for unsafe working environment and says they won’t be work under these conditions.

Jay Lethal w/ Truth Martini come out for a promo. Truth talks about Lethal greatness until Roderick interrupts them. Roddy congratulates Truth on making Lethal the champ he is. String asks for another match, Lethal says no and Nigel agress. But then says there is no #1 challenges get for the TV Title and names Roderick Strong the #1 contender for that title, much to Lethal and Truth’s dismay.

Main event: The Kingdom (Adam Cole, Michael Bennett & Matt Taven) w/ Maria vs Michael Elgin & reDRagon.

Bobby Fish takes a beating once the bell rings as the Kingdom cuts off the ring. Michael Elgin finally gets the tag and does some very impressive power spots. Buckle bomb followed by chasing the dragon on Bennett for the win.

The Kingdom jumps O’Reilly post match and leaves him in the corner. As they leave O’Reilly gets on the mic and calls Cole a snake and son of a bitch. Kyle asks Nigel for a match with Cole and Nigel says he can’t do that, but he can add him to the match Cole has next week against AJ Styles. So next week it’ll be a 3 way: AJ Styles vs Adam Cole vs Kyle O’Reilly.


Cheeseburger & Americos vs Dirty Outlaws

This is a dark match coming off intermission. Decent match with Cheeseburger and Americos winning.