Hideo Itami Comments on Injury Rehab, Swanton Bombs on Latest WWE Fury Video, Which TE Contestant Should Get a Second Chance in WWE?

Which TE Contestant Should Get a Second Chance in WWE?

WWE.com has published a new poll asking fans which Tough Enough competitor should get a second chance with the company – Alex, Amanda, Chelsea, Daria, Dianna, Gabi, GiGi, Hank, Mada, Patrick, Tanner or ZZ. With over 42,000 votes, Mada is currently leading with 72%. Patrick is next with 9% and GiGi has 6%.

Hideo Itami Provides Return Update

Injured WWE NXT star Hideo Itami posted the following on Twitter:

Swanton Bombs on Latest WWE Fury Video

The following video is the latest edition of “WWE Fury”: