WWE Smackdown Results (8/20) – Ryback vs Big Show, Three Way Divas Match, Big Eight Man Tag!

Brie Bella vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks

Becky Lynch seems to be in control early on by taking them both out with hip tosses and arm drags.  Returning from commercial, Bella goes into Brie Mode and gets a two-count broken up on Becky by Sasha.  Sasha then stacks up both girls (one on the middle rope, one on the bottom) for her signature knee attack in the corner!  She then chokes Brie in the corner with some serious conviction.  Becky takes over with an Exploder Suplex to both opponents, earning a two-count on Brie.  Brie gets the roll-up and tainted victory by grabbing the tights of Becky Lynch.

Winner – Brie Bella

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose cut a promo on The Wyatt Family backstage.  Roman says, “You won’t be running your mouths after SummerSlam, because you will be crapping out your teeth boys!”  Dean goes into the fact that he has to use his originality to win and can’t use pliers or torches and can easily be DQ’ed.  Randy Orton even joins them as he gets a pretty brutal bit in on Sheamus and how he wants to mutilate him at SummerSlam.  Cesaro comes in and at the end with, “Wow.  You guys are pretty messed up.  I just want to beat Kevin Owens and maybe get a new T-shirt.”