WWE Smackdown Results for 8/13/15 – Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro & Neville, Intense Divas Match, More SummerSlam Developments!

Charlotte w/Becky Lynch vs. Naomi w/Sasha Banks & Tamina

It needs to be noted that Team B.A.D. always comes out together and as a full unit, mainly because Paige has Tough Enough commitments and can’t be in two places at once.  A 3-team Elimination Match is advertised for SummerSlam among the three teams that have been going at it for weeks now.  I would personally like to see Nattie as the referee in that one just to get her involved, but I know it’ll never happen.

Charlotte gets the early advantage and knocks Namoi to the outside, but that’s where Naomi uses a distraction from her team to catch Charlotte off-guard with a clothesline and toss her back in the ring.  We return from commercial to see Charlotte with a Rear Chinlock on Naomi.  The former Funkadactyl breaks free and hits a nice double knee takedown.  Naomi utilizes pulling Charlotte’s long hair through out this match.  Naomi hits an impressive Splits pinfall attempt for a two-count.  To her credit, she stays on Charlotte and locks in her own Rear Chinlock.  When Charlotte starts fighting out, Naomi goes for a Bulldog and Charlotte blocks.  Charlotte then catches a rough kick to the face, dizzying her a bit.  After a few chops from Charlotte, she takes down Naomi and gets a two-count.  Naomi then takes a bit too much time recovering and gets Backdropped over the top rope and onto her teammates!  Charlotte then locks in her Figure-Eight finisher and Naomi taps out within seconds!

Winner – Charlotte

I am wondering why Jimmy Uso is on commentary while his brother is injured.  I feel like he could be utilized better working alone and possibly have some individual character development.  Instead, he is stuck plugging the WWE Network, SummerSlam, and the rest of the show.  The Tag Team Main Event is announced and it is indeed Cesaro & Neville vs. Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins!