WWE RAW Results (6/29) – Ziggler/Lana ‘Go Public’, Cena vs Cesaro, Authority Stands Tall!

United States Open Challenge
Cesaro vs John Cena (c)

Kevin Owens comes out and Lillian does the ring introductions, but Owens says nah, he’s waiting for Battleground. Cesaro instead answers the challenge, and they trade a few holds before Cena connects with a dropkick. Cesaro stomps him and throws a few forearm shots, then he goes for a Giant Swing but Cena counters with a stunner for two. Cena calls for an Attitude Adjustment but Cesaro counters with a huge pop up uppercut, then Cena goes for a STF but Cesaro counters into a Sharpshooter. Cena makes it to the ropes to break, then Cesaro suplexes him in from the apron before Cena counters a crossbody off the ropes.

Cena hits an AA for two, then Kevin Owens yells at Michael Cole at commentary as Cena heads up top. Cesaro uses the distraction to dropkick Cena to the floor, then he rushes across the floor and tackles Cena into the barricade. Cesaro rolls him in and puts him over his shoulders, but Cena counters with a sunset flip bomb for two. Cesaro fights back and hits a Neutralizer, then he repeatedly uppercuts Cena and gets him in the Cesaro Swing. He goes for a Sharpshooter and locks it in, but Owens runs in and hits Cesaro with a pop up powerbomb, then hits Cena with one too. 

Winner (via disqualification) – Cesaro 

Owens says he told Cena if anyone took his title, it’d be him, and it WILL be him at Battleground.

Excellent match, even with the finish. There was part of me that thought Cena might win clean, but Owens’ interference didn’t hurt at all. 


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