WWE RAW Results (6/15) – Owens Challenges Cena & Assaults MGK, Reigns Asks Wyatt For Answers, Lesnar Returns!

Randy Orton vs Kane 

Orton hits Kane in the corner and sets up for a quick DDT, but Sheamus interrupts the match and Kane grabs a mic. He says the match is now no holds barred, then Sheamus and Kane attack Orton and Sheamus Brogue kicks him, then Kane makes the cover. 

Winner – Kane 

Seth Rollins sees Kane backstage and talks about how Kane wanted him to lose most of all, then they argue back and forth. Rollins says Kane has always had help from his brother and father and The Authority, then Kane screams at him and tells him to keep his family out of this. Kane threatens to rip his head off, then says he wishes he could name Rollins opponent and Rollins tells him to keep his hands off of him.  

Big Show vs The Miz 

Big Show feigns an early knee injury and slams Miz in the corner, then he chops Miz a few times and whips him outside. Show taunts Ryback (at ringside) and chops Miz, then he throws Miz at Ryback, who gets in Show’s face. Miz crawls in the ring as Show and Ryback argue, then Show gets counted out, and Ryback runs after him. Ryback calls for a Meathook, but Show ducks and retreats, and Miz celebrates on the stage.

Winner (by countout) – The Miz