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TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/17) – Kurt Angle Targeted By The BDC, Eric Young, Ultimate X Returns, Who Wins Tag Team Gold?


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
April 17th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for

The Revolution vs The Hardys

Khoya slams Matt into the barricade and Storm joins in on the attack, then they stomp him in the corner and Storm mocks Jeff on the apron. Storm goes for a clothesline but Matt hits a Side Effect, then Jeff gets the tag and unloads with some strikes. Storm knocks him down and tags out, but Jeff kicks him and Storm accidentally hits Khoya with Last Call. Matt runs in and hits a Twist of Fate, then Jeff heads up top and hits a Swanton for the win. 

Winners – The Hardys 

Eric Young says he is the number one contender and he wants his title shot, because Bobby Lashley stole it from him last week. He says Lashley isn’t in his way anymore, so he is going to go out to the ring and take it from Kurt Angle. Eric enters the ring and says he shouldn’t be messed with, and he thinks Kurt is ducking him. Kurt comes out and says Eric should talk to him face to face, but Eric says he’s looking at a man who can be beat, and a man that is holding his title.

Kurt says he sees a man obsessed and blinded with his title, so he needs to get things straight. Eric has his title shot next week, but Eric let his craziness get the best of him, instead of being the Eric everyone liked. Eric says the title will fill that hole and he wants it back, but Kurt says he wants the best Eric to come out when they fight. Kurt turns his back and says Eric could be the new guy and cheap shot him, but Eric stops and says he will see Kurt next week.   


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