WWE Fan Robbed During WrestleMania Week, WWE Stars on Vacation This Week, Emma Goes to Blue Man Group

WWE Stars on Vacation This Week

wrestlemaniaWith the crazy schedule of WrestleMania week behind them, many WWE stars are on vacation this week.

John Cena and Nikki Bella are on vacation, and VegasNews.com is reporting Emma was at a Blue Man Group event at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on Thursday. After the show, Emma went backstage for a private VIP meet-and-greet with the Blue Men.

WWE Fan Robbed During WrestleMania Week

NBC in The Bay Area has published an article noting a WWE fan from Poland named Filipoos Saternus getting robbed and having his hotel room ransacked during WrestleMania 31 Week.

According to San Jose police, the 21 year old man was befriended by a person at the VTA parking lot, who offered to get the fan a discounted ticket. The man added that Saternus could save more money on public transit by using his hotel key card, which is not true.

Police believe the man ended up switching hotel key cards with Saternus and went in, stealing a computer and cash money.

WWE officials were informed of the unfortunate situation and were looking in to how they could help him.