Havok Talks About Her Journey in Professional Wrestling, Scott Steiner TNA Lawsuit Update

Havok on Journey to Wrestling

Havok talks with Jim Varsallone of The Miami Herald about her journey to TNA, her character and much more with Jim Varsallone of The Miami Herald.

Scott Steiner Lawsuit Update

TNA’s lawsuit against Scott Steiner from a few years ago is scheduled to go to court on June 5th.

The lawsuit was originally scheduled for trial in 2014 but was pushed back at the last minute.

In case you forgot, TNA claimed in 2012 that Scott Steiner breached his contract by making negative comments about the company. This included comments specifically towards Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and others inside TNA.

TNA is seeking an injunction to stop Steiner from speaking out and damages. Steiner denied that he ever agreed to not speak negatively on TNA, that speaking out against them would breach his contract, that he ignored requests to stop, that he’s in a legal agreement with TNA and that TNA suffered as a result of his actions.

Scott Steiner rebutted by saying that his TNA deal expired and he declined to sign a new deal that was offered.


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