WWE Smackdown Results (2/5) – BnB Debuts ‘BNZ’, Rusev vs Rowan, Bryan vs Rollins/J&J!

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo about how men are defined by actions, but he is no man; he is the spirit and he is the reaper. He asks why ‘they’ think there will be no consequences for action, but he is the Devil knocking on your door right now. Bray he says ‘he’ just wants to come home and to let him in, so let him in. 

Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury & Jamie Noble

Bryan hits Noble a few times and knees him, then he applies a wristlock and stomps Noble before Noble rolls outside. Rollins tags in and Bryan puts him in a hammerlock, but Rollins escapes so Bryan dropkicks him before Rollins sends him into the corner. Rollins throws a few punches before Noble knees him, then Noble slams him on the mat before Bryan tries to apply a leglock. Noble gets to the ropes to break, but Bryan kicks him a few times before he goes for a corner dropkick. Rollins pulls him out of the way and Bryan hits the turnbuckles, then Rollins pulls him outside and whips Bryan into the barricade. We get back from a break to see Rollins slam Bryan on the mat, then he mocks everyone by doing Brock Lesnar’s taunt, and talks trash about Bryan missing Wrestlemania.

Mercury gets in and dropkicks Bryan, then Rollins gets back in and stomps Bryan while he taunts him. Bryan makes a comeback with some punches, but Rollins hits a reverse STO into the turnbuckles, then he tags Noble back in, and he in turn tags Mercury. They set up for a triple powerbomb off the turnbuckles but Bryan counters with a hurricanrana, then Bryan takes Rollins down with a suicide dive on the floor. Bryan hits Mercury and Noble with a few dropkicks and some kicks to the chest, then he goes for a kick to the head but Rollins runs in and tries to suplex him. Bryan floats over and dumps him outside, then he whips Noble out of the ring and sets up for Knee Plus. Rollins jumps on the apron but Bryan knocks him down, then Mercury tries to steal a rollup but Bryan rolls through and makes him tap to the YES Lock. 

Winner – Daniel Bryan 

Bryan rolls out of the ring and celebrates on the ramp, but Kane comes down from behind and attacks him. He throws Bryan in the ring and they all take turns hitting him, then Kane chokeslams him twice before Rollins gloats and they all stand over Bryan, with Rollins saying ‘good luck getting to Fast Lane.’ 

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