Complete TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results for Tonight *Spoilers*

Taryn Terrell came out with the knockouts title and called out Awesome Kong. She instead received Gail Kim, who came out and warned her of the dangers of wanting to fight Kong. Tayrn said she was sure she wanted to, and stayed in the ring. Kong came out, laid Terrell out and held up the belt over her. Well, she can’t say she wasn’t warned!

Robbie E and Angelina Love beat Brooke and Chris Melendez. The best thing about this match was that it ended. Robbie shoved Brooke off the top rope and pinned her. The BroMans all lay on top of her and took a photo with their selfie stick after the match.

Austin Aries came out and threatened to cash in money in the bank tonight after the main event. Samoa Joe came out and Aries called him a lapdog. Joe said he should go in there and bear him up, but Aries pre-empted him and dived out the ring, started a brawl. We get a referee down and a match breaks out. Aries beats Joe with a 450 splash after a failed interference from King, good match. After the match the BDC hit the ring and put Aries through a table.

Aries is checked over by the trainers and eventually the referees have to help him to the back.

Rampage Brown and Noam Dar from British Boot Camp started having a match, but Bram hit the ring and destroyed them both. Bram calls out Magnus. Grado dances out instead to attack Bram, but then he also gets laid out. Bram calls Magnus out again, but he still doesn’t come so Bram leaves.

The main event saw MVP challenge Lashley for the title. This match got crazy near the end, there was a ref bump. Eric Young ran in and attacked Lashley with a chair but got chased off by Bobby Roode, then Gunner brawled to the back with Joe, then King was laid out by Lashley. MVP nearly won it when a second ref ran in, but in the end Drew McIntyre hit the ring and attacked MVP. Lashley retains by pinfall. Crazy shenanigans. That ends the show.