impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/23) – Feast or Fired Returns, EC3 vs JB, Lashley Takes On The BDC!

Koya (w/ The Revolution) vs Tigre Uno

Koya hits Uno with a fallaway slam, then Uno hits a springboard dropkick but Koya comes right back with a sitout powerbomb for the win. 

Winner – Koya 

Kurt Angle & Bobby Roode vs Eric Young & Low Ki 

Roode suplexes Ki and stares Eric down in the corner, then Ki chops him before Eric gets hiptossed off the tag. Roode backdrops him and goes for a quick Roode Bomb, but Ki kicks him in the stomach and Eric follows with a DDT for two. Eric kicks Roode before Ki connects with some chops, then Eric heads up top but Roode cuts him off and superplexes him. Kurt gets the tag and clotheslines Ki, then he hits both opponents with German suplexes before he hits Ki with an Angle Slam. He calls for an ankle lock but Eric hits him from behind, then Roode chases him off and puts Ki in the Crossface. Kurt cuts Eric off and takes a chair away from him, then the ref is distracted by Kurt moving towards Samoa Joe on the ramp. Eric runs in the other way and hits Roode with a chair, then Ki rolls him up and takes the pin.

Winners – Eric Young & Low Ki

BP: I’m OK with how this went down because it makes Eric look like a smart and strong heel. Yes, it was a dirty win, but it was a smart move, not just cheap. 

Ethan Carter III (w/ Tyrus) vs Jeremy Borash (w/ Rockstar Spud)

Ethan does JB’s intro and does some running commentary, but JB takes the mic from him and says the fans like to say Ethan can’t wrestle. He says Ethan can’t announce either and punches him, then Ethan takes him to the mat and stomps him a few times. Ethan mocks Spud at ringside and spits in his face, then Spud rushes the ring but Tyrus drops him with a heart punch. Mark Andrews runs in from the crowd and hits a springboard dropkick that sends Ethan outside, then he and Spud dropkick Tyrus out to the floor. Spud and Andrews head up top, with Spud hitting a diving splash, and Andrews hits a Shooting Star Press before they chase Ethan and Tyrus away. 

Result – No Contest 

BP: These two wouldn’t be a bad tag team, but I still want to see some payoff for this Spud/EC3 angle.