WRESTLE KINGDOM 9 Results: Tanahashi vs. Okada, Multiple Title Changes & More From the “WrestleMania of Japan”

IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata & Hirooki Goto

Anderson basically superkicks Shibata off the apron to start this match, so Goto is completely isolated right off the bat. Bullet Club bullies him for several minutes; slow-paced Western style tag action. Gallows tags in and does a half dozen clothesliens to Goto, but he no-sells them and makes the hot tag. 

Shibata comes in but runs right into a big boot from Doc. He ducks under a lariat and hits a running dropkick to take the big guy down. Anderson hits the ring but is caught in an abdominal stretch. The faces take the Club to the corners and take turns running the ropes, hitting them with dropkicks. They double team Gallows to take him down before Goto has to get back to the apron. 

The “Bullet Babe” gets involved on the apron (I don’t know who she is, but I WANT TO for sure) and the heels resume control. They start working over Shibata until Goto comes back to make the save again. He clotheslines big Gallows to the floor as JR hypes that they haven’t been able to “win the big one”. Goto with a stunner followed by the Shibata spinning kick, but Gallows hits the ring to take them both down. 

Gallows with scoop slam after slam to break down Goto, who keeps getting back up. The faces work together to throw him off the top rope. Anderson gets kicked off the apron. Goto lifts the big guy for an assisted kick from Shibata, and he hits the PK for the 1-2-3! NEW CHAMPS! 

Winners and NEW CHAMPIONS: Shibata & Goto