IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship
Ryusuke Taguchi (c) vs. Kenny Omega
The Young Bucks are ringside. Omega is in super heel mode.
The champ tries to have some fun to kick this off, but Omega spits in his face. They do a cruiserweight combination that ends with Taguchi arm drags. He does a Rick Rude style hip gyration and mocks the Bucks a bit. He tries for the ankle lock but settles for dumping Omega over the top rope.
Striker mentions how the Americanized heel tactics of the Bullet Club “pollute” the product in the eyes of the Japanese fan; obvious statement, but very well said.
Kenny does a weird “chainsaw” thing with his arm and starts raking the eyes of the champ. The referee gets in his way and Omega shoves him over. He sets in with a few knife-edge chops and Taguchi gets caught by the Bucks on the floor. The champ throws Omega over the ropes to take them all out, then vaults over himself for good measure.
After order gets restored,Taguchi goes for Three Amigos but Kenny counters and kicks out his opponents knees. They fight to the top turnbuckle, exchange elbow shots, and it ends with both guys doing mid-air dropkicks. Omega does an impressive dead-lift gutwrench powerbomb for two. He follows up with an electric chair drop into a German suplex, then a running knee strike. Kenny hits the One Winged Angel (I think?) for three.
Winner and NEW CHAMPION: Kenny Omega