Complete 11/22 ROH TV Taping Results: Full 2014 Tag Wars Results and More *Spoilers*

Hour Two

Adam Cole came out and worked his feud with Jay Briscoe. He saw the Briscoes father in the audience and talked to him. Papa Briscoe talked back and it ended with a shove from behind by Cole, and Jay chasing Adam out of the ringside area.

1. Roderick Strong beat Papadon.

2. Michael Elgin fought Hanson to a no-contest when Elgin tiger drove Hanson off the apron. Fans were a bit confused about why this warranted a no-contest, while a lot of other very crazy action did not. There were many good spots, especially by the amazingly athletic for a man his size Hanson. Before the match, Elgin told Hanson his message his being misrelayed, his beef is not with him and not with the fans, but with ROH, continuing the worked shoot. Elgin played heel, getting surprisingly few cheers. I don’t know what this was all about, but it looked like a small young black male was destroyed at ringside by Hanson during this match. I could not see where he came from.

3. Caprice Coleman and Will Ferrara beat Brutal Burgers. Bob Evans was upset with Cheeseburger afterwards and shoved him. Bob felt very sorry, apologized and hugged Cheeseburger, and they walked out of the ring as friends.

4. Tomasso Ciampa beat Cedric Alexander in a crazy no-DQ match that wow’ed even the experienced ROH audience. A superplex onto a ring barrier piece between two chairs was nice. Cedric pulled up the ring apron and the mat under it in one ring corner, but Tomasso was the one who took advantage and won with a back suplex off the second rope onto cardboard.

5. Moose beat a local wrestler in a special match for the internet. I did not catch the apparently local wrestler’s name and have not seen on ROH TV. Afterwards, Prince Nana was revealed as the mastermind for the Moose turn. Ramon announced his own new name, but I did not catch. He pretty match let Prince have the mic after that.